Interested in booking in a session? We have a number of different ways you can work with us at Six String Studio. Below are our current rates for studio hire 7 days a week here at our Sunshine Coast recording studio.
Service |
Rate |
Studio Hire*: 9am – 6pm Mon – Thur | $500 per day |
Studio Hire*: 9am – 6pm Fri – Sun | $600 per day |
7 Day Studio Lock Out*: 9am – 6pm | $3000 per week |
Studio Hire*: (Vocals, Acoustic Instruments & Mixing Only): 7pm – 12am | $300 per day |
Studio Dry Hire | Call us for a chat and studio tour. |
*Price includes engineer.
Make A Booking
Use the form below to get in touch with us about booking time at Six String Studio or call Terry 0419 548 850.